Retirement Income Strategies
Retirement income strategies with protection.
If you’re like most of our clients, you value freedom. Indeed, we do, too. Freedom in retirement comes from feeling comfortable with your plan. We believe that protecting your savings is a key part of retirement income strategies. Since 2003, we’ve been taking a down-to-Earth approach to our work with clients. For instance, maybe you won’t see us dress up in a 3-piece suit (unless we have to) or use industry jargon. But, you will find us treating you and our clients with the same dignity, respect, and honesty as we would treat our own family members. We take pride in truly understanding our clients’ needs. In fact, we believe you deserve to understand all your options in retirement, especially when it comes to income.
Some of the areas our retirement income strategies focus on include:
- A protection component
- Understanding reasonable rate of return**
- Approaching retirement with a simple strategy

About Lifelong Financial
For over 20 years, our founder, Tom Salestrom, has been helping people discover their options for retirement. With a passion for helping people, Tom has grown the firm and helped thousands of retirees and pre-retirees. When a client’s needs match our offerings, Lifelong Financial Solutions provides life insurance, annuity and retirement income strategies. Specifically, our philosophy focuses on helping you protect your money. Additionally, we believe you have a right to be in control of your future. Therefore, we invest time and resources in educating people about their retirement options. Once you have knowledge, it empowers you to make decisions with confidence.
Protection & Retirement
Do you have a way of protecting your money as part of your retirement income strategy? Do you feel confident that your current plan will help your income last as long as you need it? Thankfully, there are ways to protect a portion of your wealth and still receive retirement income. In addition, when you understand the principle of a reasonable rate of return,** you may be better able to plan accordingly. To help pre-retirees and retirees learn more, we offer complimentary educational events. At these events, we discuss ways to keep money safe from the stock market. Also, clients may schedule one-on-one meetings with us to discuss their specific needs and situation.
Do you think a strategy that revolves around protection and a reasonable rate of return** might be a good fit for you? Want to learn more about the risks of different retirement income strategies? We’re here to help. Join us at an upcoming seminar event to gain some valuable information. Or, give us a call for an appointment.
Doing What Matters

Of course, there are times when the world is uncertain. We believe you can navigate these moments when you have enough information and options. For example, perhaps you were comfortable with your money at risk during your working years. However, now that you’re approaching retirement, you may want to find ways to keep that money away from that high risk.

Finding ways to keep at least a portion of your money safe from market loss may be part of potentially useful retirement income strategies. When you are near retirement, each step you take matters. This is especially true once you are no longer working.

Our team wants you to know your options, including non-stock market choices. That way, you can understand ways to protect some of your money. Yet, your retirement income strategies can remain. Your plan for your money doesn’t have to be complex. Instead, you can learn simple ideas about retirement safety.
Enjoy a Dinner & Learn More
Complimentary Learning & Dinner Event
Lifelong Financial Solutions holds several in-person education events each year. Empower yourself with knowledge and learn retirement income strategies. Additionally, most of our events also provide a complimentary meal for your enjoyment. Have a great meal while you learn about money and ways to protect it. We offer these no obligation events as our way of educating you on your options. Each event holds only a certain number of guests. So, be sure to secure your spot soon.

Is Lifelong Financial Solutions a Match For Your Needs?

Retirement income strategies should match up with your specific needs and goals. We take the time needed to make sure that our approach is a “good fit” for you. In truth, sometimes, it isn’t. However, if what you look for in a retirement income strategy is guaranteed* safety, reasonable rates of return,** and simplicity, then we may be the perfect fit for you. This is because these are our core principles when assisting clients.
With Lifelong Financial Solutions, you are our biggest priority. If your goals align with what we can do for you, let’s talk.
Our dedication to clients shows in the work we do.
Since our start in 1999, we’ve made relationships with clients that will last a lifetime. Our calm, direct, and honest approach helps clients know that they are in good hands. In fact, we believe in a “leave you better…or leave you alone” ideal. In other words, if we can help you, we do. And, if what you’re doing now is better for you, we’ll tell you that, too. In the end, we guide you with integrity. Your success is our reward.